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How to generate a random string in Go

Creating Random Strings of a fixed length in Go. Using rand.Int63 Function Int63 returns a non-negative pseudo-random 63-bit integer as an int64 from the default Source. package main import ( "fmt" "math/rand" "time" ) const letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" func RandStringByLenth(n int) string { b := make([]byte, n) for i := range b { b[i] = letters[rand.Int63()%int64(len(letters))] } return string(b) } func main() { // Don't forget rand.Seed(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()) for range "012345" { s := RandStringByLenth(6) fmt.Println(s) } } GjwtZy wZotMg qRKVLB RDQtvQ RRbTrB gzMuMm Don't forget about the rand.Seed(), otherwise you got the same string every first time launch. Masking We can maintain the equal distribution of letters by using only as many of the lowest bits of the random number as many is required to represent the number of letters. So here is the solution: package main import ( "fmt" "math/rand" "time" ) const letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" const ( letterIdxBits = 6 letterIdxMask = 1<<letterIdxBits - 1 letterIdxMax = 63 / letterIdxBits ) func RandStringByLenth(n int) string { b := make([]byte, n) // A rand.Int63() generates 63 random bits, enough for letterIdxMax letters! for i, cache, remain := n-1, rand.Int63(), letterIdxMax; i >= 0; { if remain == 0 { cache, remain = rand.Int63(), letterIdxMax } if idx := int(cache & letterIdxMask); idx < len(letters) { b[i] = letters[idx] i-- } cache >>= letterIdxBits remain-- } return string(b) } func main() { // Don't forget rand.Seed(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()) for range "012345" { s := RandStringByLenth(6) fmt.Println(s) } } SADUwS ufPPAG eNmPcJ JMFEtV NHkRrN gOlDuC Using base64 Function If you want cryptographically secure random numbers, and the exact charset is flexible (say, base64 is fine), you can calculate exactly what the length of random characters you need from the desired output size. package main import ( "crypto/rand" "encoding/base64" "fmt" "math" ) func RandStringByBase64(n int) string { buff := make([]byte, int(math.Ceil(float64(n)/float64(1.33333333333)))) rand.Read(buff) str := base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(buff) return str[:n] } func main() { for range "012345" { s := RandStringByBase64(6) fmt.Println(s) } } QnPVHr mTA0nZ h4HPrV Yj7ZS2 TF8jo9 KKqM5_

How to reverse a string in Go

Reverse a String in Golang. Using range a range on a string returns a rune which is a codepoint. package main import "fmt" func Reverse(s string) (result string) { for _, v := range s { result = string(v) + result } return } func main() { // !olleH s := Reverse("Hello!") fmt.Println(s) // 界世,olleH s = Reverse("Hello,世界") fmt.Println(s) } !olleH 界世,olleH Swapping the Letters Reverse the string by swapping the letters. package main import "fmt" func Reverse(s string) string { r := []rune(s) for i, j := 0, len(r)-1; i < len(r)/2; i, j = i+1, j-1 { r[i], r[j] = r[j], r[i] } return string(r) } func main() { // !olleH s := Reverse("Hello!") fmt.Println(s) // 界世,olleH s = Reverse("Hello,世界") fmt.Println(s) } !olleH 界世,olleH

How to reverse an array in PHP

Reverse the order of an array. Using array_reverse Function The array_reverse() return an array with elements in reverse order. $arr = array("PHP", 8.1, 4); $reversed = array_reverse($arr); print_r($reversed); $preserved = array_reverse($arr, true); print_r($preserved); Array ( [0] => 4 [1] => 8.1 [2] => PHP ) Array ( [2] => 4 [1] => 8.1 [0] => PHP ) Using Swapping Method Here is another solution using same variable names as yours and using swapping method. function Reverse($arr) { for ($i=count($arr) - 1, $j = 0; $j < $i ; $i--, $j++) { $temp = $arr[$i]; $arr[$i] = $arr[$j]; $arr[$j] = $temp; } return $arr; } // without using any PHP function and any other variable function Reverse($arr) { $count = count($arr); for ($i=0; $i < $count/2 ; $i++) { [$arr[$i], $arr[$count-$i-1]] = [$arr[$count-$i-1], $arr[$i]]; } return $arr; } $arr = array("PHP", 8.1, 4); $reversed = Reverse($arr); print_r($reversed); Array ( [0] => 4 [1] => 8.1 [2] => PHP )

How to reverse a string in PHP

Reverse a Unicode String in PHP. Using strrev Function The strrev() reverse a string. // !olleH echo strrev("Hello!"); // does not support utf-8 encoding strrev("Hello,世界"); !olleH Using For Loop FOR LOOP will start with the value of the length of the “original string – 1” value. function Reverse($str) { for ($i=strlen($str) - 1, $j = 0; $j < $i ; $i--, $j++) { $temp = $str[$i]; $str[$i] = $str[$j]; $str[$j] = $temp; } return $str; } // !olleH echo Reverse("Hello!"); !olleH Using the Recursion Technique and the substr We can also reverse a string using recursion and substr() function. function Reverse($str) { $len = strlen($str); if($len == 1) { return $str; } else { $len--; return Reverse(substr($str, 1, $len)) .substr($str, 0, 1); } } // !olleH echo Reverse("Hello!"); !olleH Reverse a Unicode string This function support utf-8 encoding, Human Language and Character Encoding Support: function mb_strrev($str){ $r = ''; for ($i = mb_strlen($str); $i>=0; $i--) { $r .= mb_substr($str, $i, 1); } return $r; } // 界世,olleH echo mb_strrev("Hello,世界"); Here's another way. function mb_strrev($text) { return join('', array_reverse( preg_split('~~u', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) )); } // 界世,olleH echo mb_strrev("Hello,世界"); Here's another approach using regex. function mb_strrev($str){ preg_match_all('/./us', $str, $ar); return implode(array_reverse($ar[0])); } // 界世,olleH echo mb_strrev("Hello,世界");

How to format byte size as kilobytes, megabytes in Go

Convert File Size to a human friendly format. Get file size in human-readable units like kilobytes (KB), Megabytes (MB) or GigaBytes (GB) SI (Decimal 1 k = 1,000) A metric prefix is a unit prefix that precedes a basic unit of measure to indicate a multiple or submultiple of the unit. List of SI prefixes: k、M、G、T、P、E、Z、Y. package main import ( "fmt" "math" ) func FormatByteSI(b int64) string { const unit = 1000 if b < unit { return fmt.Sprintf("%d B", b) } div, exp := int64(unit), 0 for n := b / unit; n >= unit; n /= unit { div *= unit exp++ } return fmt.Sprintf("%.1f %cB", float64(b)/float64(div), "kMGTPE"[exp]) } func main() { FormatByteSI(800) // 800 B FormatByteSI(1024) // 1.0 kB FormatByteSI(987654321) // 987.7 MB FormatByteSI(1551859712) // 1.6 GB FormatByteSI(math.MaxInt64) // 9.2 EB } 800 B 1.0 kB 987.7 MB 1.6 GB 9.2 EB IEC (binary 1 Ki = 1,024) A binary prefix is a unit prefix for multiples of units in data processing, data transmission, and digital information, principally in association with the bit and the byte, to indicate multiplication by a power of 2. List of SI prefixes: Ki、Mi、Gi、Ti、Pi、Ei、Zi、Yi. package main import ( "fmt" "math" ) func FormatByteIEC(b int64) string { const unit = 1024 if b < unit { return fmt.Sprintf("%d B", b) } div, exp := int64(unit), 0 for n := b / unit; n >= unit; n /= unit { div *= unit exp++ } return fmt.Sprintf("%.1f %ciB", float64(b)/float64(div), "KMGTPE"[exp]) } func main() { FormatByteIEC(800) // 800 B FormatByteIEC(1024) // 1.0 KiB FormatByteIEC(987654321) // 941.9 MiB FormatByteIEC(1551859712) // 1.4 GiB FormatByteIEC(math.MaxInt64) // 8.0 EiB } 800 B 1.0 KiB 941.9 MiB 1.4 GiB 8.0 EiB Convert File Size files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(".") if err != nil { // panic() } for _, file := range files { fmt.Printf("%-6d %-6s %-6s\n", file.Size(), FormatByteSI(file.Size()), FormatByteIEC(file.Size())) } 963 963 B 963 B 2197 2.2 kB 2.1 KiB 1172 1.2 kB 1.1 KiB 384 384 B 384 B 1165 1.2 kB 1.1 KiB 753 753 B 753 B
Sambhav Khandelwal

How to get a substring from a string in Go

Extracting substrings in Go. Using the slice syntax A slice is formed by specifying two indices, a low and high bound, separated by a colon: // a[low : high] s := "Hello,世界" // e fmt.Println(s[1:2]) fmt.Println(s[1:]) // Hello,世界 fmt.Println(s[:]) e ello,世界 Hello,世界 Length of the the result is high — low. Indices cannot be arbitrary numbers negative numbers aren’t allowed. low ≤ high. high ≤ len(input). s := "Hello,世界" // negative numbers aren’t allowed fmt.Println(s[-1:3]) // invalid argument: index -1 (constant of type int) must not be negative // 12 fmt.Println(len(s)) // high ≤ len(input) fmt.Println(s[1:20]) // panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [:20] with length 12 Only work with ASCII Operating on strings alone will only work with ASCII and will count wrong when input is a non-ASCII UTF-8 encoded character, and will probably even corrupt characters since it cuts multibyte chars mid-sequence. For strings that contain non-ASCII Unicode characters (such as emojis, characters from other languages, e.t.c.), a conversion to a rune slice is required before taking a subslice. s := "Hello,世界" // wrong, diamond-like shape fmt.Println(s[6:7]) // 世 fmt.Println(s[6:9]) runes := []rune(s) // 世 fmt.Println(string(runes[6:7]))

How many keywords are there in Go

List of Golang Keywords. Keywords The following keywords are reserved and may not be used as identifiers. break default func interface select case defer go map struct chan else goto package switch const fallthrough if range type continue for import return var They can be categorized as four groups: Declaration const, func, import, package, type and var are used to declare all kinds of code elements in Go programs. ##### const The ‘const’ keyword is used to introduce a name for a scalar value like 2 or 3.14, etc. ##### func The ‘func’ keyword is used to declare a function. ##### import The ‘import’ keyword is used to import packages. ##### package The code is grouped as a unit in a package. The ‘package’ keyword is used to define one. ##### type We can use the ‘type’ keyword to introduce a new struct type. ##### var The ‘var’ keyword is used to create the variables in the ‘Go’ language. Control Flow chan, interface, map and struct are used as parts in some composite type denotations. ##### chan The ‘chan’ keyword is used to define a channel. In ‘Go’, you are allowed to run parallel pieces of code simultaneously. ##### interface The ‘interface’ keyword is used to specify a method set. A method set is a list of methods for a type. ##### map The ‘map’ keyword defines a map type. A map os an unordered collection of the key-value pairs. ##### struct Struct is a collection of fields. We can use the ‘struct’ keyword followed by the field declarations. Composite Types break, case, continue, default, else, fallthrough, for, goto, if, range, return, select and switch are used to control flow of code. ##### break The ‘break’ keyword lets you terminate a loop and continue execution of the rest of the code. ##### case This is a form of a ‘switch’ construct. We specify a variable after the switch. ##### continue The ‘continue’ keyword allows you to go back to the beginning of the ‘for’ loop. ##### default The ‘default’ statement is optional but you need to use either case or default within the switch statement. ##### else The ‘else’ keyword is used with the ‘if’ keyword to execute an alternate statement if a certain condition is false. ##### fallthrough This keyword is used in a case within a switch statement. When we use this keyword, the next case is entered. ##### for The ‘for’ keyword is used to begin a for loop. ##### goto The ‘goto’ keyword offers a jump to a labeled statement without any condition. ##### if The ‘if’ statement is used to check a certain condition within a loop. ##### range The ‘range’ keyword lets you iterate items over the list items like a map or an array. ##### return Go allows you to use the return values as variables and you can use the ‘return’ keyword for that purpose. ##### select The ‘select’ keyword lets a goroutine to wait during the simultaneous communication operations. ##### switch The ‘switch’ statement is used to start a loop and use the if-else logic within the block. Function Modifier defer and go are also control flow keywords, but in other specific manners. ##### defer The ‘defer’ keyword is used to defer the execution of a function until the surrounding function executes. ##### go The ‘go’ keyword triggers a goroutine which is managed by the golang-runtime. Predeclared Names In addition, there are about three dozen predeclared names like int and true for built-in con- stants, types, and functions. ##### Constants true false iota nil ##### Types int int8 int16 int32 int64 uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 uintptr float32 float64 complex128 complex64 bool byte rune string error ##### Functions make len cap new append copy close delete complex real imag panic recover
Sambhav Khandelwal

How to format a string in PHP

Formatting PHP Strings with printf and sprintf. Using sprintf Function The sprintf() return a formatted string. sprintf(string $format, mixed ...$values): string // iPhone 14 Pro echo sprintf("%s %d Pro\n", "iPhone", 14); // iPhone 14 Pro printf("%s %d Pro\n", "iPhone", 14); iPhone 14 Pro iPhone 14 Pro Specifying padding character // .......14 echo sprintf("%'.9d\n", 14); // 000000014 echo sprintf("%'.09d\n", 14); // zero-padded integers // 01-12 echo sprintf("%02d-%02d", 1, 12); .......14 000000014 01-12 Formatting Currency // 14.23 echo sprintf("%01.2f\n", 14.234); // 14.24 echo sprintf("%01.2f\n", 14.239); 14.23 14.24 Using number_format Function The number_format() format a number with grouped thousands. number_format( float $num, int $decimals = 0, ?string $decimal_separator = ".", ?string $thousands_separator = "," ): string $number = 1234.5678; // 1234.57 echo number_format($number, 2, '.', ''); // 1,234.57 echo number_format($number, 2, '.', ',');

How to print an object in PHP

Printing all properties of an object. Using print_r Function The print_r() prints human-readable information about a variable. If given a string, int or float, the value itself will be printed. If given an array, values will be presented in a format that shows keys and elements. Similar notation is used for objects. print_r(mixed $value, bool $return = false): string|bool $i = 10; print_r($i); $arr = array( 'title' => 'Apple Watch 7', 'views' => 1000 ); print_r($arr); 10 Array ( [title] => Apple Watch 7 [views] => 1000 ) Using var_dump Function The var_dump() dumps information about a variable. This function displays structured information about one or more expressions that includes its type and value. Arrays and objects are explored recursively with values indented to show structure. var_dump(mixed $value, mixed ...$values): void $i = 10; var_dump($i); $arr = array( 'title' => 'Apple Watch 7', 'views' => 1000 ); var_dump($arr); // This one returns the value of var_dump instead of outputting it. function var_dump_ret($mixed = null) { ob_start(); var_dump($mixed); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $content; } int(10) array(2) { ["title"]=> string(13) "Apple Watch 7" ["views"]=> int(1000) } Using var_export Function var_export() gets structured information about the given variable. It is similar to var_dump() with one exception: the returned representation is valid PHP code. var_export(mixed $value, bool $return = false): ?string $i = 10; var_export($i); $arr = array( 'title' => 'Apple Watch 7', 'views' => 1000 ); $v = var_export($arr, true); echo $v; 10 array ( 'title' => 'Apple Watch 7', 'views' => 1000, )
Sambhav Khandelwal

How to use of hash functions in PHP

How Hashing Function Works and its Syntax. MD5 Function The md5() calculates the md5 hash of a string. Returns the hash as a 32-character hexadecimal number. $str = "Google"; // 8b36e9207c24c76e6719268e49201d94 echo md5($str); // bool(true) md5('240610708') == md5('QNKCDZO') The comparison is true because both md5() hashes start '0e' so PHP type juggling understands these strings to be scientific notation. Hash Functions The hash() function returns a hash value for the given data based on the algorithm like (md5, sha256). hash( string $algo, string $data, bool $binary = false, array $options = [] ): string $str = "Google"; // md5: $r = hash("md5", $str); printf("%-7s %s\n", "md5", $r); // sha256 $r = hash("sha256", $str); printf("%-7s %s\n", "sha256", $r); // crc32 $r = hash("crc32", $str); printf("%-7s %s\n", "crc32", $r); md5 8b36e9207c24c76e6719268e49201d94 sha256 ce770667e5f9b0d8f55367bb79419689d90c48451bb33f079f3a9a72ae132de8 crc32 a98f3368 hash_hmac Function The hash_hmac() function generate a keyed hash value using the HMAC method. hash_hmac( string $algo, string $data, string $key, bool $binary = false ): string $str = "Google"; // md5 $r = hash("md5", $str); printf("%-5s %s\n", "md5", $r); // md5 $key = "apple"; $r = hash_hmac("md5", $str, $key); printf("%-5s %s\n", "hmac", $r); md5 8b36e9207c24c76e6719268e49201d94 hmac c7ed9855f3b7ac31b0ee6ae204b3d1c0 Length of the output How long is hash function? The length of the output or hash depends on the hashing algorithm you use. $str = "Google"; hash("md5", $str); // md5 hash("sha256", $str); // sha256 hash("crc32", $str); // crc32 foreach (hash_algos() as $v) { $r = hash($v, $str); printf("%-12s %3d %s\n", $v, strlen($r), $r); } md2 32 ef4cce74dab86220df3d2cde2bf7872d md4 32 26cf807f0af0f1f3da3dd1b730367957 md5 32 8b36e9207c24c76e6719268e49201d94 sha1 40 2b681c0a24baff8899d7163cc7f805c75e1f44e4 sha224 56 b84e52794c142b49fe92323cc27a68fc89b67ee05f6941120e8ac020 sha256 64 ce770667e5f9b0d8f55367bb79419689d90c48451bb33f079f3a9a72ae132de8 sha384 96 2af172307e1317b9c04187cc7f664e5ea7907df8523c409bc2f226ab05f3ca031a966d86db52bc3a3600bd97bd8f2e50 sha512/224 56 291bb8a532905473148259bfe02161e02dc6e05a3cacd6feeaf985f1 sha512/256 64 13470697b72753e0eab9325818943321c7f16bf9ac76b76731e36f09ffd4f079 sha512 128 973807e34fb710b43bafbe55ffcbc7ba91235ee1388e816cb91439d895bd28815734c9886e6ec68262ed8b39f93850e628ba637866726d1e7b726c5e090b0299 sha3-224 56 1256deb617266d03dbab7d4cc5691577e0d771232c998bcab01d9466 sha3-256 64 f86f0d52d7d52195cadd91f21c50c9d756f291798352132de3ed94e098279611 sha3-384 96 68c57cd259865ee3984afc4f00af1a40530bf1ca2ba1aafe7adbf912cd6bbef2755d6d1b936b4fc431b7e6ee6531a956 sha3-512 128 3ad0f436f4de7e5f33a2a4d3707514ec6a33201883959493110c9a9eb5d1dbb6386b58978004d257a446f9cd8fe3439c469af6cc3105ec7d30e3724881e830b7 ripemd128 32 c9dd129bb987a91e85c94abd31558735 ripemd160 40 a986a86f6241845eaa3c9875a58e123b67933cfe ripemd256 64 0305fc62ad0eed097e19ffb71c8274c49ef6766fa35785dc3c1a5357ff40abe8 ripemd320 80 43b67aed55307a827b92423ed8a6cc2316a8b976c075ed08d8ed9bdbbf56ab2c2a62f9f4625818ff whirlpool 128 6cff68ca32b1eccc5d8e4da6a5d0c2ebd7e7f27da9883744e6ecbcbfec246ccab86db69690795a454a2ca59ef862bf355447d1a7d90df7de78efd2d4980db0de tiger128,3 32 90a8c6cd64b63e2b69ca530ce72a12ac tiger160,3 40 90a8c6cd64b63e2b69ca530ce72a12ac5e951c8f tiger192,3 48 90a8c6cd64b63e2b69ca530ce72a12ac5e951c8f1c66e76d tiger128,4 32 4bc0eaf32a5d23c9b9471001d50011d1 tiger160,4 40 4bc0eaf32a5d23c9b9471001d50011d13c4b7041 tiger192,4 48 4bc0eaf32a5d23c9b9471001d50011d13c4b7041dc26d6bd snefru 64 6cd79d0616aedb2c77bda3cb086de5ba2df50ab0914d89de28147424a6c29deb snefru256 64 6cd79d0616aedb2c77bda3cb086de5ba2df50ab0914d89de28147424a6c29deb gost 64 c746a4916b524a8ee3c2d17e422604e958a3f3b0a1af5e9b48fdffc17289dbe8 gost-crypto 64 e99bcc7cd375ba552cdfa4738b02686d166f7516b12c9a34f2ca7f793ab2c448 adler32 8 0809025e crc32 8 a98f3368 crc32b 8 62b0f067 fnv132 8 ef7f4f70 fnv1a32 8 e3b85fa6 fnv164 16 c9b5f41dc6c6b290 fnv1a64 16 d517473001a04866 joaat 8 30359b9f haval128,3 32 6db80f18a37f1c7376c12b096d08a8cf haval160,3 40 a0c42322bc198714b776d345c454f9281b01a666 haval192,3 48 7d15ecf012ccab23a237aa8a8b9c9a53ec9f7c34335cf1cf haval224,3 56 db9e76463ef171e0a40aab1a0bbaaf40fcb9374b52cf250427facc5f haval256,3 64 6c3b9c7f01eebb13a04d500fddfa6bb561ca70083bbd957960a1faa4ee3c027d haval128,4 32 89b80917072d844deb7e73ce8d1210f1 haval160,4 40 0a6f00ae5da588cf85829798965f8c443e7aa611 haval192,4 48 e786ed6fe5c7b145e45e1f0ffea8a3d74b2747f9f4f2b583 haval224,4 56 c9610a8024d01588a4e134a38b27da49545bdb53d52caf6c7f5cc4a8 haval256,4 64 2658e0d1d84c2148206e4b3e50fcc0748878f07599475d6acf98c00ff62304f5 haval128,5 32 0c00b8283c4b5be93ed282cc9dd58ec1 haval160,5 40 71a0ccc422d64c00b6fbac61c32722c62dadde54 haval192,5 48 fb47a69eca151a9678fdce96a003e32a58dc0d2e2a135b1a haval224,5 56 168fa42b4d0b1bd9b0602b337aefa93ff418b47cfe8be73e10b6145d haval256,5 64 87cde1d87a5fe43caa8e060b1d0aca628dc7280b648c9b234217eb5ad095fafc

How to handle If-modified-since header in PHP

Reduce Bandwidth Usage by Supporting If-Modified-Since in PHP. If-Modified-Since The If-Modified-Since request HTTP header makes the request conditional: the server sends back the requested resource, with a 200 status, only if it has been last modified after the given date. If the resource has not been modified since, the response is a 304 without any body; the Last-Modified response header of a previous request contains the date of last modification. header('Last-Modified: Mon, 04 Apr 2022 11:14:54 GMT'); header('Etag: "13ae4368810e6594"'); Connection: keep-alive Content-Encoding: gzip Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2022 02:34:28 GMT Etag: W/"13ae4368810e659493f54575ddecc096d8350cf751dd0b7a921640eb9e13463d" Last-Modified: Mon, 04 Apr 2022 11:14:54 GMT Server: nginx Transfer-Encoding: chunked Vary: Accept-Encoding Greenwich Mean Time. HTTP dates are always expressed in GMT, never in local time. Handling If-Modified-Since If the If-Modified-Since request header is present, then it can be parsed to get a timestamp that can be compared against the modification time. If the modification time is older than the request time, a 304 response can be returned instead of generating the page. $updatedTime = filemtime($file); $updatedTime = strtotime("2022-04-11 11:14:54"); $gmtTime = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s T', $updatedTime); header('Last-Modified: ' . $gmtTime ); $conent = "content"; // $etag = md5_file($file); // hash $etag = hash('sha256', $conent); // using CRC32 $etag = crc32($conent); header(sprintf('Etag: "%s"', $etag)); // HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE || If-None-Match if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) && $gmtTime === $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] || isset($_SERVER['If-None-Match']) && $etag === $_SERVER['If-None-Match']) { http_response_code(304); header('X-MODIFIED-SINCE: MATCH'); die(); } The most common use case is to update a cached entity that has no associated ETag. curl: If-Modified-Since Type the following curl command: curl header curl -v -H 'If-Modified-Since: Mon, 11 Apr 2022 11:14:54 GMT' HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified Server: nginx Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2022 03:12:29 GMT Connection: keep-alive Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Apr 2022 11:14:54 GMT Etag: "4274335913" X-MODIFIED-SINCE: MATCH

How to get content from a url in Go

Reading from a url resource in Go. Fetching a URL Go provides a collection of packages, grouped under net, that make it easy to send and receive information through the Internet. Package http provides HTTP client and server implementations. package main import ( "io/ioutil" "net/http" ) func main() { url := "" resp, err := http.Get(url) if err != nil { // panic } defer resp.Body.Close() b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) // upload image resp, err := http.Post("", "image/jpeg", &buf) // post form resp, err := http.PostForm("", url.Values{"key": {"Value"}, "id": {"123"}}) } The client must close the response body when finished with it. For control over HTTP client headers client := &http.Client{ CheckRedirect: redirectPolicyFunc, } resp, err := client.Get("") // ... req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil) // ... req.Header.Add("If-None-Match", `W/"wyzzy"`) resp, err := client.Do(req) // ... // For control over proxies ... tr := &http.Transport{ MaxIdleConns: 10, IdleConnTimeout: 30 * time.Second, DisableCompression: true, } client := &http.Client{Transport: tr} resp, err := client.Get("") Fetching URLs Concurrently One of the most interesting and novel aspects of Go is its support for concurrent program- ming. package main import ( "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "time" ) func fetch(url string, ch chan<- string) { start := time.Now() resp, err := http.Get(url) if err != nil { ch <- fmt.Sprint(err) // send to channel ch return } defer resp.Body.Close() nbytes, err := io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, resp.Body) if err != nil { ch <- fmt.Sprintf("while reading %s: %v", url, err) return } secs := time.Since(start).Seconds() ch <- fmt.Sprintf("%.2fs %7d %s", secs, nbytes, url) } func main() { urls := []string{"", ""} ch := make(chan string) for _, url := range urls { go fetch(url, ch) } for range urls { fmt.Println(<-ch) // receive from channel ch } } 0.95s 15227 1.13s 58557 Questions How to read gzipped data from http response in Golang? Golang by default will automatically decode the body of gzipped response. If the Transport requests gzip on its own and gets a gzipped response, it's transparently decoded in the Response.Body. However, if the user explicitly requested gzip it is not automatically uncompressed.

How to use fmt.Sprintf Function in Go

Format a string without printing in Go. Basics Package fmt implements formatted I/O with functions analogous to C's printf and scanf. The format 'verbs' are derived from C's but are simpler. fmt.Sprintf Sprintf formats according to a format specifier and returns the resulting string. // func Sprintf(format string, a ...interface{}) string s := fmt.Sprintf("Apple iOS %s", "15.4") // floating-point number s := fmt.Sprintf("Apple iOS %f", 15.4) // any value s := fmt.Sprintf("Apple iOS %v", 15.4) Apple iOS 15.4 Apple iOS 15.400000 Apple iOS 15.4 fmt.Printf Printf formats according to a format specifier and writes to standard output. It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered. // func Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) fmt.Printf("Apple iOS %s\n", "15.4") Apple iOS 15.4 The verbs Printf has over a dozen such conversions, which Go programmers call verbs. The verbs: ##### %v the value in a default format when printing structs, the plus flag (%+v) adds field names ##### %#v a Go-syntax representation of the value ##### %T a Go-syntax representation of the type of the value ##### %% a literal percent sign; consumes no value ##### %t the word true or false ##### %b base 2 ##### %c the character represented by the corresponding Unicode code point ##### %d base 10 ##### %o base 8 ##### %O base 8 with 0o prefix ##### %q a single-quoted character literal safely escaped with Go syntax. ##### %x base 16, with lower-case letters for a-f ##### %X base 16, with upper-case letters for A-F ##### %U Unicode format: U+1234; same as "U+%04X" ##### %b decimalless scientific notation with exponent a power of two, in the manner of strconv.FormatFloat with the 'b' format, e.g. -123456p-78 ##### %e scientific notation, e.g. -1.234456e+78 ##### %E scientific notation, e.g. -1.234456E+78 ##### %f decimal point but no exponent, e.g. 123.456 ##### %F synonym for %f ##### %g %e for large exponents, %f otherwise. Precision is discussed below. ##### %G %E for large exponents, %F otherwise ##### %x hexadecimal notation (with decimal power of two exponent), e.g. -0x1.23abcp+20 ##### %X upper-case hexadecimal notation, e.g. -0X1.23ABCP+20 ##### %s the uninterpreted bytes of the string or slice ##### %q a double-quoted string safely escaped with Go syntax ##### %x base 16, lower-case, two characters per byte ##### %X base 16, upper-case, two characters per byte ##### %f default width, default precision ##### %9f width 9, default precision ##### %.2f default width, precision 2 ##### %9.2f width 9, precision 2 ##### %9.f width 9, precision 0 ##### + always print a sign for numeric values; guarantee ASCII-only output for %q (%+q) ##### - pad with spaces on the right rather than the left (left-justify the field) ##### # alternate format: add leading 0b for binary (%#b), 0 for octal (%#o), 0x or 0X for hex (%#x or %#X); suppress 0x for %p (%#p); for %q, print a raw (backquoted) string if strconv.CanBackquote returns true; always print a decimal point for %e, %E, %f, %F, %g and %G; do not remove trailing zeros for %g and %G; write e.g. U+0078 'x' if the character is printable for %U (%#U). ##### ' ' (space) leave a space for elided sign in numbers (% d); put spaces between bytes printing strings or slices in hex (% x, % X) ##### 0 pad with leading zeros rather than spaces; for numbers, this moves the padding after the sign
Sambhav Khandelwal

How to convert string to json in Go

Converting Json to string in Golang. Decoding JSON Into Structs Go offers built-in support for JSON encoding and decoding, including to and from built-in and custom data types. Unmarshal parses the JSON-encoded data and stores the result in the value pointed to by v. package main import ( "encoding/json" ) type Message struct { Name string Version int64 } func main() { s := `{"name":"Android", "version":13, "code":1}` var m Message // func Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), &m) if err != nil { // panic } } If v is nil or not a pointer, Unmarshal returns an InvalidUnmarshalError. Unmarshal will decode only the fields that it can find in the destination type. Marshaling Structured Data To encode JSON data we use the json.Marshal function. m := Message{ Name: "Android", Version: 13, } // func Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) b, _ := json.Marshal(&m) fmt.Println(string(b)) {"Name":"Android","Version":13} Decoding arbitrary data Without knowing this data’s structure, we can decode it into an map[string]interface{} value with Unmarshal: s := `{"name":"Android", "version":13}` // var m interface{} var m map[string]interface{} err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), &m) // s := `[{"name":"Android", "version":13}]` // map[] json: cannot unmarshal array into Go value of type map[string]interface {} map[name:Android version:13] Ignoring Empty Fields In some cases, we would want to ignore a field in our JSON output, if its value is empty. We can use the “-” property for this purpose. type Message struct { Name string Version int64 `json:"-"` } m := Message{ Name: "Android", Version: 13, } b, err := json.Marshal(&m) {"Name":"Android"}

How to check if a string contains a substring in JavaScript

How do you check if a string contains a substring?. Using String.prototype.includes The includes() method performs a case-sensitive search to determine whether one string may be found within another string, returning true or false as appropriate. 'Google Docs will start'.includes('Docs'); // => true // includes return true for empty substring 'Google Docs will start'.includes(''); // => true // case-sensitive 'Google Docs will start'.includes('docs'); // => false String.prototype.indexOf includes doesn’t have Internet Explorer support, though. In ECMAScript 5 or older environments, use String.prototype.indexOf, which returns -1 when a substring cannot be found. 'Google Docs will start'.indexOf('Docs') !== -1; // => true // an empty string is a substring of every string 'Google Docs will start'.indexOf('') !== -1; // => true // case-sensitive 'Google Docs will start'.indexOf('Docs') !== -1; // => false Polyfill if (!String.prototype.includes) { String.prototype.includes = function(search, start) { 'use strict'; if (search instanceof RegExp) { throw TypeError('first argument must not be a RegExp'); } if (start === undefined) { start = 0; } return this.indexOf(search, start) !== -1; }; }

How to check if string contains a substring in Go

Go test string contains substring. Using strings.Contains Function How do I check if a string is a substring of another string in Go? Use the function Contains from the strings package. Contains function returns a boolean value. It returns true if the substring is present in the string, or false if not. s := "Apple's new iPad Air is $30 off" // func Contains(s, substr string) bool res := strings.Contains(s, "iPad") // res = true res := strings.Contains(s, "ipad") // res = fasle // case-insensitive res := strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(s), strings.ToLower("ipad")) // res = true Using strings.Index Function Index returns the index of the first instance of substr in s, or -1 if substr is not present in s. strings.Contains internally calls strings.Index. s := "Apple's new iPad Air is $30 off" // func Index(s, substr string) int i := strings.Index(s, "iPad") // i = 12 i := strings.Index(s, "ipad") // i = -1 // case-insensitive i := strings.Index(strings.ToLower(s), strings.ToLower("ipad")) // i = 12 Using strings.Split Function Split slices s into all substrings separated by sep and returns a slice of the substrings between those separators. s := "Apple's new iPad Air is $30 off" // func Split(s, sep string) []string ss := strings.Split(s, "iPad") // len(ss) >= 2 Using strings.Count Function Count counts the number of non-overlapping instances of substr in s. If substr is an empty string, Count returns 1 + the number of Unicode code points in s. s := "Apple's new iPad Air is $30 off" // func Count(s, substr string) int i := strings.Count(s, "iPad") // i = 1 i := strings.Count(s, "ipad") // i = 0 Using regexp.MatchString Function MatchString reports whether the string s contains any match of the regular expression pattern. s := "Apple's new iPad Air is $30 off" // func MatchString(pattern string, s string) (matched bool, err error) matched, _ := regexp.MatchString("iPad", s) // matched = true matched, _ := regexp.MatchString("ipad", s) // matched = false // case-insensitive matched, _ := regexp.MatchString("(?i)ipad", s) // matched = true // regexp.MustCompile b := regexp.MustCompile("(?i)ipad").MatchString(s) // b = true

How to convert interface to int64 in Go

Interface variable conversion in Golang. Type Assertion To convert interface to int64 in Go, Using Type Assertion. A type assertion provides access to an interface value's underlying concrete value. package main import "fmt" // t := i.(T) // t, ok := i.(T) func main() { var v interface{} = 1 // interface to int i, ok := v.(int) fmt.Println(i, ok) // int to int64 i64 := int64(i) s := fmt.Sprintf("Type: %T, %d", i64, i64) fmt.Println(s) i64 = v.(int64) // panic } 1 true Type: int64, 1 panic: interface conversion: interface {} is int, not int64 If i does not hold a T, the statement will trigger a panic. Type switches A type switch is like a regular switch statement, but the cases in a type switch specify types (not values), and those values are compared against the type of the value held by the given interface value. func i2num(i interface{}) (int64, error) { switch v := i.(type) { case int64: return v, nil case int: return int64(v), nil case string: return strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64) default: return 0, errors.New("type error") } } // i, err := i2num("34") // i, err := i2num("34.2") // fmt.Println(i, err) 0 strconv.ParseInt: parsing "34.2": invalid syntax

How to convert interface to string in Go

Type casting an interface to a string in go. Using fmt.Sprintf Function To convert interface to string in Go, use fmt.Sprintf function. Sprintf formats according to a format specifier and returns the resulting string. package main import "fmt" var x = []interface{}{ "abc", 1, 3.14, []int{1, 2, 3}, struct { A int B string }{ A: 10, B: "code", }, } func main() { // Method fmt.Sprintf("value: %v", v) for _, v := range x { str := fmt.Sprintf("%v", v) fmt.Println(str) } // Method fmt.Sprint(v) for _, v := range x { str := fmt.Sprint(v) fmt.Println(str) } } abc 1 3.14 [1 2 3] {10 code} abc 1 3.14 [1 2 3] {10 code} fmt.Sprint(val) is equivalent to fmt.Sprintf("%v", val) If the %v verb is used with the # flag (%#v) and the operand implements the GoStringer interface, that will be invoked. // Method fmt.Sprintf("value: %#v", v) for _, v := range x { str := fmt.Sprintf("%#v", v) fmt.Println(str) } "abc" 1 3.14 []int{1, 2, 3} struct { A int; B string }{A:10, B:"code"} Type Assertion A type assertion provides access to an interface value's underlying concrete value. package main import "fmt" func main() { var i interface{} = "golang" // Method t := i.(T) s := i.(string) fmt.Println(s) // Method t, ok := i.(T) s, ok := i.(string) fmt.Println(s, ok) f := i.(float64) // panic fmt.Println(f) } golang golang true panic: interface conversion: interface {} is string, not float64 If i does not hold a T, the statement will trigger a panic.

Hello World in Go

Hello, World! is the first basic program in any programming language.source code package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello,世界,こんにちは,안녕하세요") } To run the program Go is a compiled language. The Go toolchain converts a source program and the things it depends on into instructions in the native machine language of a computer. use go run go run helloworld.go Hello,世界,こんにちは,안녕하세요 Go natively handles Unicode, so it can process text in all the world’s languages. using go build If the program is more than a one-shot experiment, it’s likely that you would want to compile it once and save the compiled result for later use. That is done with go build: use go build go build helloworld.go ./helloworld Hello,世界,こんにちは,안녕하세요

How to Convert string to integer type in Go

The most common numeric conversions are Atoi. strconv.Atoi Function Package strconv implements conversions to and from string representations of basic data types. package main import ( "fmt" "strconv" ) func main() { i, err := strconv.Atoi("10") // i = 10 if err != nil { //handle error } fmt.Printf("%T, %v\n", i, i) //If the input string isn’t in the integer format, then the function returns zero. i, err = strconv.Atoi("abc10") // i = 0 if err != nil { //handle error fmt.Println(err) } fmt.Printf("%T, %v\n", i, i) i, err = strconv.Atoi("9223372036854775809") // i = 9223372036854775807 if err != nil { //handle error fmt.Println(err) } fmt.Printf("%T, %v\n", i, i) } int, 10 strconv.Atoi: parsing "abc10": invalid syntax int, 0 strconv.Atoi: parsing "9223372036854775809": value out of range int, 9223372036854775807 Atoi is equivalent to ParseInt(s, 10, 0), converted to type int. strconv.ParseInt Function ParseInt interprets a string s in the given base (0, 2 to 36) and bit size (0 to 64) and returns the corresponding value i. package main import ( "fmt" "strconv" ) func main() { // func strconv.ParseInt(s string, base int, bitSize int) (i int64, err error) // fastest v64 := "-10" if s, err := strconv.ParseInt(v64, 10, 64); err == nil { fmt.Printf("%T, %v\n", s, s) } // contains invalid digits v64 = "abc1" if s, err := strconv.ParseInt(v64, 10, 64); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) fmt.Printf("%T, %v\n", s, s) } // func ParseUint(s string, base int, bitSize int) (uint64, error) // ParseUint is like ParseInt but for unsigned numbers. v64 = "100" if s, err := strconv.ParseUint(v64, 10, 64); err == nil { fmt.Printf("%T, %v\n", s, s) } } int64, -10 strconv.ParseInt: parsing "abc1": invalid syntax int64, 0 uint64, 100 fmt.Sscanf Function Sscanf scans the argument string, storing successive space-separated values into successive arguments as determined by the format. It returns the number of items successfully parsed. Newlines in the input must match newlines in the format. package main import "fmt" func main() { var name string var car int var dead int // not terribly fast but most flexible n, err := fmt.Sscanf("80-Car Pileup on Pennsylvania Highway Leaves 6 Dead", "%d-Car Pileup on %s Highway Leaves %d Dead", &car, &name, &dead) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Printf("%d: %s, %d, %d\n", n, name, car, dead) } 3: Pennsylvania, 80, 6

How to check if a map contains a key in Go

3 ways to find a key in a map. Use second return value directly in an if statement If "BST" is indeed present in the map, the body of the if statement will be executed and v will be local to that scope. package main import "fmt" func main() { dict := map[string]int{ "UTC": 0 * 60 * 60, "BST": 1 * 60 * 60, } if _, ok := dict["UTC"]; ok { //do something here fmt.Println(dict["UTC"]) } } 3600 To test for presence in the map without worrying about the actual value, you can use the blank identifier (_) in place of the usual variable for the value. Check second return value if statements in Go can include both a condition and an initialization statement. m := map[string]int{ "foo": 1, "bar": 2 } v, ok := m["foo"] // v == 1 ok == true v, ok = m["foooo"] // v == 0 ok == false _, ok = m["foo"] // ok == true Check for zero value if the map is nil or does not contain such an entry, a[x] is the zero value for the element type of M. m := map[string]int{ "foo": 1 } v := m["foo"] // v == 1 v = m["fooooo"] // v == 0 (zero value)

How to use the telnet command in Linux

user interface to the TELNET protocol. Telnet is an application protocol used on the Internet or local area network to provide a bidirectional interactive text-oriented communication facility using a virtual terminal connection. User data is interspersed in-band with Telnet control information in an 8-bit byte oriented data connection over the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). Installing Telnet Client on Linux RHEL / CentOS / Fedora dnf install telnet Ubuntu / Debian apt-get install telnet Verify telnet 80 Trying ... Connected to Escape character is '^]'. Connection closed by foreign host. Telnet client telnet IP/HOST PORT Help telnet --help info telnet man telnet GET /path/to/file.html HTTP/1.1 Host: Connection: close The syntax for the telnet command is as follows: Usage: telnet [-468EFKLacdfrx] [-X authtype] [-b hostalias] [-e escapechar] [-k realm] [-l user] [-n tracefile] [host [port]] OPTIONS: ##### -4 Force IPv4 address resolution. ##### -6 Force IPv6 address resolution. ##### -7 Strip 8th bit on input and output. Telnet is 8-bit clean by default but doesn't send the TELNET BINARY option unless forced. ##### -8 Specifies an 8-bit data path. This causes an attempt to negotiate the TELNET BINARY option on both input and output. ##### -E Stops any character from being recognized as an escape character. ##### -F If Kerberos V5 authentication is being used, the -F option allows the local credentials to be forwarded to the remote system, including any cre‐dentials that have already been forwarded into the local environment. ##### -K Specifies no automatic login to the remote system. ##### -L Specifies an 8-bit data path on output. This causes the BINARY option to be negotiated on output. ##### -X atype Disables the atype type of authentication. ##### -a Attempt automatic login. Currently, this sends the user name via the USER variable of the ENVIRON option if supported by the remote system. The name used is that of the current user as returned by getlogin(2) if it agrees with the current user ID, otherwise it is the name associated with the user ID. ##### -b hostalias Uses bind(2) on the local socket to bind it to an aliased address (see ifconfig(8) and the ''alias'' specifier) or to the address of another interface than the one naturally chosen by connect(2). This can be useful when connecting to services which use IP addresses for authentication and reconfiguration of the server is undesirable (or impossible). ##### -c Disables the reading of the user's .telnetrc file. (See the toggle skiprc command on this man page.) ##### -d Sets the initial value of the debug toggle to TRUE. ##### -e escapechar Sets the initial telnet escape character to escapechar. If escapechar is omitted, then there will be no escape character. ##### -f If Kerberos V5 authentication is being used, the -f option allows the local credentials to be forwarded to the remote system. ##### -k realm If Kerberos authentication is being used, the -k option requests that telnet obtain tickets for the remote host in realm realm instead of the remote host's realm, as determined by krb_realmofhost. ##### -l user When connecting to the remote system, if the remote system understands the ENVIRON option, then user will be sent to the remote system as the value for the variable USER. This option implies the -a option. This option may also be used with the open command. ##### -n tracefile Opens tracefile for recording trace information. See the set tracefile command below. ##### -r Specifies a user interface similar to rlogin(1). In this mode, the escape character is set to the tilde (~) character, unless modified by the -e option. ##### -x Turns on encryption of the data stream if possible. ##### host Indicates the official name, an alias, or the Internet address of a remote host. ##### port Indicates a port number (address of an application). If a number is not specified, the default telnet port is used.

How to use the mkdir command in Linux

Create the DIRECTORY(ies), if they do not already exist. mkdir command in Linux allows the user to create directories (also referred to as folders in some operating systems ). This command can create multiple directories at once as well as set the permissions for the directories. New Directory mkdir newdir Help mkdir --help info mkdir man mkdir version information mkdir --version mkdir (GNU coreutils) 8.22 How to Create Parent Directories make parent mkdir -p /data/go print a message mkdir -v -p /data/go mkdir: created directory ‘folder’ The syntax for the mkdir command is as follows: Usage: mkdir [OPTION]... DIRECTORY... OPTIONS: ##### -m, --mode=MODE set file mode (as in chmod), not a=rwx - umask ##### -p, --parents no error if existing, make parent directories as needed ##### -v, --verbose print a message for each created directory ##### -Z set SELinux security context of each created directory to the default type ##### --context[=CTX] like -Z, or if CTX is specified then set the SELinux or SMACK security context to CTX ##### --help display this help and exit ##### --version output version information and exit

How to use the history command in Linux

history command is used to view the previously executed command. The history command works with the command history list. When the command is issued with no options, it prints the history list. The History library provides a history expansion feature that is similar to the history expansion provided by `csh'. This section describes the syntax used to manipulate the history information. History history Help grep --help info history man history 826 ll 827 mkdir software To see a certain number of commands, you can pass a number to history on the command line. 10 commands history 10 history | tail -n 10 Repeating Commands !897 the last command !! the last command that started with cd !cd !cd:p !?aliases history | grep aliases Deleting Commands history -d 83 history -d 22 32 history -d -5 897 history 10 The syntax for the history command is as follows: Usage: history [-c] [-d offset] [n] history -awrn [filename] history -ps arg [arg...] OPTIONS: ##### -d Remove history entry at offset which from the history. ##### -c Clearing the History List

How to use the kill command in Linux

terminate a process. kill is a command that is used in several popular operating systems to send signals to running processes. The command kill sends the specified signal to the specified process or process group. If no signal is specified, the TERM signal is sent. The TERM signal will kill processes which do not catch this signal. For other processes, it may be necessary to use the KILL (9) signal, since this signal cannot be caught. To display all the available signals you can use below command option: signals kill -l Help man kill info kill the process ID kill -s TERM 1234 kill -TERM 1234 kill -15 1234 kill -s KILL 1234 kill -KILL 1234 kill -9 1234 1) SIGHUP 2) SIGINT 3) SIGQUIT 4) SIGILL 5) SIGTRAP 6) SIGABRT 7) SIGBUS 8) SIGFPE 9) SIGKILL 10) SIGUSR1 11) SIGSEGV 12) SIGUSR2 13) SIGPIPE 14) SIGALRM 15) SIGTERM 16) SIGSTKFLT 17) SIGCHLD 18) SIGCONT 19) SIGSTOP 20) SIGTSTP 21) SIGTTIN 22) SIGTTOU 23) SIGURG 24) SIGXCPU 25) SIGXFSZ 26) SIGVTALRM 27) SIGPROF 28) SIGWINCH 29) SIGIO 30) SIGPWR 31) SIGSYS 34) SIGRTMIN 35) SIGRTMIN+1 36) SIGRTMIN+2 37) SIGRTMIN+3 38) SIGRTMIN+4 39) SIGRTMIN+5 40) SIGRTMIN+6 41) SIGRTMIN+7 42) SIGRTMIN+8 43) SIGRTMIN+9 44) SIGRTMIN+10 45) SIGRTMIN+11 46) SIGRTMIN+12 47) SIGRTMIN+13 48) SIGRTMIN+14 49) SIGRTMIN+15 50) SIGRTMAX-14 51) SIGRTMAX-13 52) SIGRTMAX-12 53) SIGRTMAX-11 54) SIGRTMAX-10 55) SIGRTMAX-9 56) SIGRTMAX-8 57) SIGRTMAX-7 58) SIGRTMAX-6 59) SIGRTMAX-5 60) SIGRTMAX-4 61) SIGRTMAX-3 62) SIGRTMAX-2 63) SIGRTMAX-1 64) SIGRTMAX Terminating Processes Using the kill Command killing kill -9 $(pidof chrome) reload nginx kill -1 30251 kill The syntax for the kill command is as follows: Usage: kill [-s signal|-p] [-q sigval] [-a] [--] pid... kill -l [signal] OPTIONS: ##### -s, --signal Specify the signal to send. The signal may be given as a signal name or number. ##### -p, --pid Specify that kill should only print the process id (pid) of the named processes, and not send any signals. ##### -l, --list [signal] Print a list of signal names, or convert signal given as argument to a name. The signals are found in /usr/include/linux/signal.h ##### -L, --table Similar to -l, but will print signal names and their corresponding numbers. ##### -p, --pid Specify that kill should only print the process id (pid) of the named processes, and not send any signals. ##### -q, --queue sigval Use sigqueue(2) rather than kill(2) and the sigval argument is used to specify an integer to be sent with the signal. If the receiving process has installed a handler for this signal using the SA_SIGINFO flag to sigaction(2), then it can obtain this data via the si_value field of the siginfo_t structure.

How to use the head command in Linux

Print the first 10 lines of each FILE to standard output. head is a program on Unix and Unix-like operating systems used to display the beginning of a text file or piped data. By default, head will print the first 10 lines of its input to the standard output. Print head filename Help head --help info head man head version information head --version head (GNU coreutils) 8.22 Display a Specific Number of Lines first K lines head -n 20 filename Number of Bytes head -c 100 filename head -c 5k filename using pipes echo $RANDOM | sha512sum | head -c 24 ; echo dd466c8fd2c8f9c53d35c629 The syntax for the head command is as follows: Usage: head [OPTION]... [FILE]... OPTIONS: ##### -c, --bytes=[-]K print the first K bytes of each file; with the leading '-', print all but the last K bytes of each file ##### -n, --lines=[-]K print the first K lines instead of the first 10; with the leading '-', print all but the last K lines of each file ##### -q, --quiet, --silent never print headers giving file names ##### -v, --verbose always print headers giving file names ##### --help display this help and exit ##### --version output version information and exit K may have a multiplier suffix:b 512, kB 1000, K 1024, MB 1000*1000, M 1024*1024,GB 1000*1000*1000, G 1024*1024*1024, and so on for T, P, E, Z, Y.

How to use the gzip command in Linux

Compress or uncompress FILEs. Gzip reduces the size of the named files using Lempel-Ziv coding (LZ77). Whenever possible, each file is replaced by one with the extension .gz, while keeping the same ownership modes, access and modi‐fication times. Compress gzip -k Help gzip --help gzip -h info gzip man gzip version information gzip --version gzip -V gzip 1.5 Compressing Files with gzip Keep the original file gzip -k gzip -c > Verbose output gzip -v multiple files gzip file1 file2 file3 directory gzip -r folder standard input history | gzip -c > history.gz Decompressing gzip -d -18.2% -- replaced with The syntax for the gzip command is as follows: Usage: gzip [OPTION]... [FILE]... OPTIONS: ##### -c, --stdout write on standard output, keep original files unchanged ##### -d, --decompress decompress ##### -f, --force force overwrite of output file and compress links ##### -h, --help give this help ##### -l, --list list compressed file contents ##### -L, --license display software license ##### -n, --no-name do not save or restore the original name and time stamp ##### -N, --name save or restore the original name and time stamp ##### -q, --quiet suppress all warnings ##### -r, --recursive operate recursively on directories ##### -S, --suffix=SUF use suffix SUF on compressed files ##### -t, --test test compressed file integrity ##### -v, --verbose verbose mode ##### -V, --version display version number ##### -1, --fast compress faster ##### -9, --best compress better ##### --rsyncable Make rsync-friendly archive With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.