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How to Retrieve a Module's Path in Python

In Python, there are 2 ways to retrieve a module's path. Using __file__ Attribute You can retrieve a module's path using the __file__ attribute. For example, #!/usr/bin/python3 # Import module import os print(os.__file__) /usr/local/lib/python3.10/ However, there is an important caveat, which is that __file__ does NOT exist if you are running the module on its own. Using inspect Module The Path.resolve() method returns the name of the (text or binary) file in which an object was defined. This will fail with a TypeError if the object is a built-in module, class, or function. #!/usr/bin/python3 # Import module import os import inspect print(inspect.getfile(os)) /usr/local/lib/python3.10/

How to Get an Absolute File Path in Python

In Python, there are 2 ways to get an absolute file path. Using abspath Function The os.path.abspath() method returns a normalized absolutized version of the pathname path. For example, #!/usr/bin/python3 # Import module import os abs = os.path.abspath("file.txt") print(abs) /home/python/code/file.txt On most platforms, this is equivalent to calling the function normpath() as follows: normpath(join(os.getcwd(), path)). Using pathlib Module The Path.resolve() method makes the path absolute, resolving any symlinks. A new path object is returned: #!/usr/bin/python3 # Import module import pathlib abs = pathlib.Path("file.txt").resolve() print(abs) /home/python/code/file.txt

How to Concatenate a List of Strings into a Single String in Python

In Python, using the str.join function is the easiest way to concatenate a list of strings into a single string Using str.join Function The str.join() method returns a string which is the concatenation of the strings in iterable. A TypeError will be raised if there are any non-string values in iterable, including bytes objects. The separator between elements is the string providing this method. For example, #!/usr/bin/python3 s = '-'.join(["a", "c", "b"]) print(s) a-c-b .join is faster because it allocates memory only once. Once you learn it, it's very comfortable and you can do tricks like this to add parentheses. See the following example: #!/usr/bin/python3 a = "123456" s = ','.join(a).join(("(",")")) print(s) (1,2,3,4,5,6)

How to Get a Function Name as a String in Python

In Python, there are 2 ways to get a function name as a string. Using __name__ Attribute Using __qualname__ is the preferred method as it applies uniformly. It works on built-in functions as well: #!/usr/bin/python3 def my_func(): pass class A(): def getName(): pass print(my_func.__name__) print(A.getName.__name__) # Python 3.3+ print(A.getName.__qualname__) my_func getName A.getName If you're interested in class methods too, Python 3.3+ has __qualname__ in addition to __name__. Using inspect Module The inspect module provides several useful functions to help get information about live objects such as modules, classes, methods, functions, tracebacks, frame objects, and code objects. See the following example: #!/usr/bin/python3 # Import module import inspect def my_func(): func_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name print(func_name) pass class A(): def getName(): func_name = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name print(func_name) pass my_func() A.getName() my_func getName sys._getframe also works instead of inspect.currentframe although the latter avoids accessing a private function.

How to Get the Size of a File in Python

In Python, there are 3 ways to get the size of a file. Using os.path.getsize Method The os.path.getsize() method returns the size, in bytes, of path. Raise OSError if the file does not exist or is inaccessible. For example, #!/usr/bin/python3 # Import module import os size = os.path.getsize("file.txt") print(size) 10259 Note: the implementation of os.path.getsize is simply return os.stat(filename).st_size. Using pathlib Module You can use pathlib.Path().stat() function, it really simple. For example, #!/usr/bin/python3 # Python 3.4+ # Import module import pathlib stat = pathlib.Path("file.txt").stat() print(stat.st_size) 10259 Using os.stat Method The os.stat() method gets the status of a file or a file descriptor. For example, #!/usr/bin/python3 # Import module import os stat = os.stat("file.txt") print(stat.st_size) 10259

How to Reverse a String in Rust

In Rust, there are 2 ways to reverse a string. Using rev Function The str::rev() function reverses an iterator’s direction. See the following example: fn main() { let mut s = "Hello"; println!("{}", s.chars().rev().collect::<String>()); s = "a̐éö"; println!("{}", s.chars().rev().collect::<String>()); } olleH ̈óe̐a Using unicode-segmentation Crate Installation This crate is fully compatible with Cargo. Just add it to your Cargo.toml: [dependencies] unicode-segmentation = "1" unicode-segmentation Usage use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation; fn main() { let mut s = "Hello"; println!("{}", s.graphemes(true).rev().collect::<String>()); s = "a̐éö"; println!("{}", s.graphemes(true).rev().collect::<String>()); } olleH öéa̐

How to Convert Float to Integer in Rust

In Rust, there are 2 ways to convert float to integer. Using as Keyword Executing an as expression casts the value on the left-hand side to the type on the right-hand side. An example of an as expression: fn main() { let a = 3.6415_f64; let b = a as i64; println!("{}", b); } 3 Using round Function The round() function returns the nearest integer to a number. Round half-way cases away from 0.0. See the following example: fn main() { let a = 3.6415_f64; let mut b = a.round() as i64; println!("round: {}", b); b = a.trunc() as i64; println!("trunc: {}", b); b = a.ceil() as i64; println!("ceil: {}", b); b = a.floor() as i64; println!("floor: {}", b); } round: 4 trunc: 3 ceil: 4 floor: 3

How to Remove an Element from a Vector in Rust

In Rust, there are 2 ways to remove an element from a vector. Using retain Function The vec::retain() function retains only the elements specified by the predicate. For example, fn main() { let mut v = vec![1, 3, 2, 3, 4]; v.retain(|&x| x != 3); println!("{:?}", v); } [1, 2, 4] Using remove Function The vec::remove() function removes and returns the element at position index within the vector, shifting all elements after it to the left. See the following example: fn main() { let mut v = vec![1, 3, 2, 3, 4]; // Remove first element if let Some(pos) = v.iter().position(|x| *x == 3) { v.remove(pos); } println!("{:?}", v); // Remove last element v = vec![1, 3, 2, 3, 4]; if let Some(pos) = v.iter().rposition(|x| *x == 3) { v.remove(pos); } println!("{:?}", v); } [1, 2, 3, 4] [1, 3, 2, 4] Rust Errors None: let i = v.iter().position(|x| *x == 5).unwrap(); thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value', src/ cannot borrow as mutable: let v = vec![1, 3, 2, 3, 4]; --> src/ | 2 | let v = vec![1, 3, 2, 3, 4]; | - help: consider changing this to be mutable: `mut v` 3 | let i = v.iter().position(|x| *x == 5).unwrap(); 4 | v.remove(i); | ^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot borrow as mutable

How to Get the String Length in Characters in Rust

In Rust, there are 2 ways to get the string length in characters. Using chars Function The str::chars() function returns an iterator over the chars of a string slice. See the following example: fn main() { let mut s = "Hello"; println!("{}", s.chars().count()); s = "a̐"; println!("{}", s.chars().count()); } 5 2 Using unicode-segmentation Crate Installation This crate is fully compatible with Cargo. Just add it to your Cargo.toml: [dependencies] unicode-segmentation = "1" unicode-segmentation Usage use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation; fn main() { let mut s = "Hello"; println!("{}", s.graphemes(true).count()); s = "a̐"; println!("{}", s.graphemes(true).count()); } 5 1

How to List Files of a Directory in Rust

In Rust, using the read_dir function is the easiest way to list files of a directory. Using read_dir Function The fs::read_dir() function returns an iterator over the entries within a directory. See the following example: use std::fs; fn main() { let paths = fs::read_dir("./").unwrap(); for path in paths { println!("{}", path.unwrap().path().display()) } } ./.gitignore ./Cargo.toml ./src ./file.txt Rust Errors This function will return an error in the following situations, but is not limited to just these cases: The provided path doesn’t exist. The process lacks permissions to view the contents. The path points at a non-directory file. let paths = fs::read_dir("./a").unwrap(); thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', src/ note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

How to Raise a Number to a Power in Rust

In Rust, there are 2 ways to raise a number to a power. Using pow Method The pow() function raises a value to the power of exp, using exponentiation by squaring. Note that 0⁰ (pow(0, 0)) returns 1. Mathematically this is undefined. See the following example: fn main() { let base: i32 = 2; println!("{}", base.pow(10)); } 1024 Using i32::pow Method Here is the simplest method which you can use: fn main() { let a = 2; println!("{}", i32::pow(a, 10)); let b = 2; println!("{}", u32::pow(b, 8)); // For floats: println!("{}", f32::powf(2.0, 10.0)); } 1024 256 1024

How to Check If two Strings are Equal in a Case-Insensitive Manner in Go

In Golang, using the strings.EqualFold function is the easiest way to check if two strings are equal in a case-insensitive manner Using strings.EqualFold Function The strings.EqualFold() function reports whether s and t, interpreted as UTF-8 strings, are equal under Unicode case-folding, which is a more general form of case-insensitivity. See the following example: package main import ( "fmt" "strings" ) func main() { fmt.Println(strings.EqualFold("HeLLO", "hello")) // It even works with Unicode. fmt.Println(strings.EqualFold("A̐É", "a̐é")) } true true

How to Get the Difference in Hours Between Two Dates in Go

In Golang, there are 2 ways to get the difference in hours between two dates. Using time.Since Function The time.Since() function returns the time elapsed since t. It is shorthand for time.Now().Sub(t). For example, package main import ( "fmt" "time" ) func main() { layout := "2006-01-02 15:04" v := "2022-05-09 10:00" t, err := time.Parse(layout, v) if err != nil { // panic() } duration := time.Since(t) fmt.Println(duration.Hours()) } -2.5214217017602776 Using Sub Function The Time.Sub() function returns the duration t-u. If the result exceeds the maximum (or minimum) value that can be stored in a Duration, the maximum (or minimum) duration will be returned. To compute t-d for a duration d, use t.Add(-d). package main import ( "fmt" "time" ) func main() { layout := "2006-01-02 15:04" v := "2022-05-09 10:00" t, err := time.Parse(layout, v) if err != nil { // panic() } v = "2022-05-09 05:23" t2, err := time.Parse(layout, v) if err != nil { // panic() } duration := t2.Sub(t) fmt.Println(duration.Hours()) } -4.616666666666667

How to Check if a String is a Valid URL in Go

In Golang, there are 2 ways to validate URL with standard package. Using ParseRequestURI Function url.ParseRequestURI parses a raw url into a URL structure. It assumes that url was received in an HTTP request, so the url is interpreted only as an absolute URI or an absolute path. The string url is assumed not to have a #fragment suffix. See the following example: package main import ( "fmt" "net/url" ) func main() { s := "http//" _, err := url.ParseRequestURI(s) if err != nil { // invalid fmt.Println(err) } } parse "http//": invalid URI for request Using Parse Function The url.Parse() function parses a raw url into a URL structure. For example, package main import ( "fmt" "net/url" ) func IsUrl(str string) bool { u, err := url.Parse(str) return err == nil && u.Scheme != "" && u.Host != "" } func main() { s := "http//" fmt.Println(IsUrl(s)) } false

How to Find Out the Number of CPU's on a Local Machine in Go

In Golang, using the NumCPU function is the easiest way to find out the number of CPU's on a local machine. Using runtime.NumCPU Function The runtime.NumCPU() method returns the number of logical CPUs usable by the current process. The set of available CPUs is checked by querying the operating system at process startup. Changes to operating system CPU allocation after process startup are not reflected. See the following example: package main import ( "fmt" "runtime" ) func main() { cpus := runtime.NumCPU() fmt.Println(cpus) } 4

How to Get Memory Size of the Variable in Go

In Golang, using the unsafe.Sizeof function is the easiest way to get memory size of the variable Using Sizeof Function You can use the unsafe.Sizeof function for this. It returns the size in bytes. See the following example: package main import ( "fmt" "unsafe" ) func main() { a := 10 s := "Hello World" fmt.Printf("%d\n", unsafe.Sizeof(a)) fmt.Printf("%d, len: %d\n", unsafe.Sizeof(s), len(s)) } 8 16, len: 11

How to Make First Letter of Words Uppercase in a String in Go

In Golang, using the cases package is the easiest way to make first letter of words uppercase in a string. Using cases Package install Use the following command to download the repository to the local file system. install go mod tidy go get go get go install go install Note that since Go 1.17 installing packages with go get is deprecated: cases Usage Package cases provides general and language-specific case mappers. See the following example: package main import ( "fmt" "" "" ) func main() { s := "hello world!" for _, c := range []cases.Caser{ cases.Title(language.Dutch), cases.Title(language.Und, cases.NoLower), } { fmt.Println(c.String(s)) } } Hello World! Hello World!

How to Pipe Several Commands in Go

In Golang, there are 2 ways to pipe several commands. Using piped commands For example, this function retrieves the CPU model name using piped commands: package main import ( "fmt" "os/exec" ) func main() { cmd := "cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep '^model name' | uniq | awk '{print substr($0, index($0,$4))}'" o, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output() if err != nil { // log.Fatal } fmt.Println(string(o)) } Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 460 @ 2.53GHz Using StdoutPipe StdoutPipe returns a pipe that will be connected to the command's standard output when the command starts. The pipe will be closed automatically after Wait sees the command exit. package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" "os" "os/exec" ) func main() { c1 := exec.Command("ls") c2 := exec.Command("wc", "-l") r, w := io.Pipe() c1.Stdout = w c2.Stdin = r var b2 bytes.Buffer c2.Stdout = &b2 c1.Start() c2.Start() c1.Wait() w.Close() c2.Wait() io.Copy(os.Stdout, &b2) fmt.Println(b2.String()) } 6

How to Copy a File in Go

In Golang, there are 2 ways to copy a file. Using io.Copy Function You can copy a file using the io.Copy() function. For example, package main import ( "io" "os" ) // Copy the src file to dst. func Copy(src, dst string) error { in, err := os.Open(src) if err != nil { return err } defer in.Close() out, err := os.Create(dst) if err != nil { return err } _, err = io.Copy(out, in) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func main() { Copy("access.log", "access.1.log") } access.1.log Using ioutil.WriteFile Function The following example should cover whatever you are trying to do: package main import ( "io/ioutil" ) // Copy the src file to dst. func Copy(src, dst string) error { data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(src) if err != nil { return err } err = ioutil.WriteFile(dst, data, 0644) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func main() { Copy("access.log", "access.1.log") } access.1.log

How to Create a GUID/UUID in Python

In Python, using the uuid module is the easiest way to create a GUID/UUID. Using uuid Module uuid module provides immutable UUID objects (the UUID class) and the functions uuid1(), uuid3(), uuid4(), uuid5() for generating version 1, 3, 4, and 5 UUIDs as specified in RFC 4122. See the following example: #!/usr/bin/python3 # Import module import uuid print(uuid.uuid4()) # a 32-character hexadecimal string print(uuid.uuid4().hex) a41324c5-fff7-48c8-b7a5-75b4ed877ad9 9606b3e9a271426e8790d72cd90882a4

How to Subtract a Day from a Date in Python

In Python, using the timedelta object is the easiest way to subtract a day from a date. Using timedelta Object A timedelta object represents a duration, the difference between two dates or times. See the following example: #!/usr/bin/python3 # Import module import datetime t = d = t - datetime.timedelta(days=1) print(t) print(d) 2022-05-08 21:06:31.549667 2022-05-07 21:06:31.549667 Syntax class datetime.timedelta(days=0, seconds=0, microseconds=0, milliseconds=0, minutes=0, hours=0, weeks=0) All arguments are optional and default to 0. Arguments may be integers or floats, and may be positive or negative.
Sambhav Khandelwal

How to Remove all Whitespace in a String in Python

In Python, there are 3 ways to remove all whitespace in a string. Using str.replace Function The str.replace(x) function returns a copy of the string with all occurrences of substring old replaced by new. See the following example: #!/usr/bin/python3 s = " \nHello World " n = s.replace(" ", "") print('{!r}'.format(n)) '\nHelloWorld' Using str.split Method If you want to remove spaces, use str.split() followed by str.join(): #!/usr/bin/python3 s = " \nHello World " n = ''.join(s.split()) print('{!r}'.format(n)) 'HelloWorld' Using regular Expression To remove all whitespace characters (space, tab, newline, and so on) you can use a regular expression: #!/usr/bin/python3 # Import module import re s = " \nHello World " n = re.sub(r"\s+", "", s, flags=re.UNICODE) print('{!r}'.format(n)) 'HelloWorld'

How to Delete a List Element by Value in Python

In Python, there are 3 ways to delete a list element by value. Using list.remove Function The list.remove(x) function removes the first item from the list whose value is equal to x. It raises a ValueError if there is no such item. See the following example: #!/usr/bin/python3 l = ["a", "c", "b", "c"] if 'c' in l: l.remove("c") print(l) # try: # l.remove('c') # except ValueError: # pass ['a', 'b', 'c'] Using List Comprehension To remove all occurrences of an element, use a list comprehension: #!/usr/bin/python3 l = ["a", "c", "b", "c"] l = [x for x in l if x != 'c'] print(l) ['a', 'b'] Using filter Function To take out all occurrences, you could use the filter function in python. For example, it would look like: #!/usr/bin/python3 l = ["a", "c", "b", "c"] l = list(filter(lambda x: x != 'c', l)) print(l) ['a', 'b'] Python Errors ValueError: # ... l.remove("e") l.remove("e") ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

How to Return Dictionary Keys as a List in Python

In Python, there are 3 ways to return dictionary keys as a list. Using keys Function The dict.keys() function returns a view object that displays a list of all the keys in the dictionary in order of insertion. See the following example: #!/usr/bin/python3 d = {"a": 1, "c": 2, "b": 3} keys = list(d.keys()) print(keys) ['a', 'c', 'b'] Using Unpacking New unpacking generalizations (PEP 448) were introduced with Python 3.5 allowing you to now easily do: #!/usr/bin/python3 d = {"a": 1, "c": 2, "b": 3} # Python >= 3.5 keys = [*d] print(keys) ['a', 'c', 'b'] Using Extended Iterable Unpacking The following example should cover whatever you are trying to do: #!/usr/bin/python3 d = {"a": 1, "c": 2, "b": 3} # Python >= 3.x *keys, = d print(keys) ['a', 'c', 'b']
Sambhav Khandelwal

How to Get File Creation and Modification Dates Times in Python

In Python, there are 3 ways to get file creation and modification dates times. Using os.path Function The os.path.getmtime() function returns the time of last modification of path. The os.path.getctime() function returns the system’s ctime which, on some systems (like Unix) is the time of the last metadata change, and, on others (like Windows), is the creation time for path. Here is an example code: #!/usr/bin/python3 # Import module import os.path, time f = "file.txt" print(time.ctime(os.path.getatime(f))) print(time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(f))) print(time.ctime(os.path.getctime(f))) Sat May 7 17:33:53 2022 Sat May 7 17:33:53 2022 Sun May 8 09:27:51 2022 Using os.stat Function Get the status of a file or a file descriptor. Perform the equivalent of a stat() system call on the given path. p You can use os.stat() function, it really simple. For example, #!/usr/bin/python3 # Import module import os, time f = "file.txt" stat = os.stat(f) print(time.ctime(stat.st_atime)) print(time.ctime(stat.st_mtime)) print(time.ctime(stat.st_ctime)) Sat May 7 17:33:53 2022 Sat May 7 17:33:53 2022 Sun May 8 09:27:51 2022 Using pathlib Module you can use the object oriented pathlib module interface which includes wrappers for much of the os module. Here is an example of getting the file stats. #!/usr/bin/python3 # Import module import pathlib, time f = "file.txt" p = pathlib.Path(f) stat = p.stat() print(time.ctime(stat.st_atime)) print(time.ctime(stat.st_mtime)) print(time.ctime(stat.st_ctime)) Sat May 7 17:33:53 2022 Sat May 7 17:33:53 2022 Sun May 8 09:27:51 2022 Python Errors FileNotFoundError: f = "file.tx" # ... stat = p.stat() return self._accessor.stat(self, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'file.tx'

How to Get the ASCII Value of a Character as an Int in Python

In Python, using the ord function is the easiest way to get the ASCII value of a character as an int. Using ord Function The ord() function returns an integer representing the Unicode code point of that character. To get the ASCII code of a character, you can use the ord() function. Here is an example code: #!/usr/bin/python3 print(ord('a')) print(ord('€')) # inverse print(chr(97)) 97 8364 a
Sambhav Khandelwal

How to check if a variable exists in Python

In Python, there are 3 ways to check if a variable exists. Using locals Function The locals() function returns the dictionary of the current local symbol table. #!/usr/bin/python3 vName = 1 if 'vName' in locals(): print("exists") exists Using globals Function The globals() function returns the dictionary of the current global symbol table. #!/usr/bin/python3 vName = 1 if 'vName' in global(): print("exists") exists Using hasattr Method To check if an object has an attribute: #!/usr/bin/python3 class Person: name = 'Ada' person = Person() if hasattr(person, 'name'): print("exists") exists
Sambhav Khandelwal

How to Copy a Dictionary in Python

In Python, there are 4 ways to copy a dictionary. Using dict Method If you want to copy the dict, you have to do so explicitly with: #!/usr/bin/python3 a = {"a": 1, "b": 2} # Copy b = dict(a) b['a'] = 3 print(a) print(b) {'a': 1, 'b': 2} {'a': 3, 'b': 2} Using dict.copy Method The copy() method returns a copy of the dictionary. #!/usr/bin/python3 a = {"a": 1, "b": 2} # Copy b = a.copy() print(b) {'a': 1, 'b': 2} Using copy Module The copy.deepcopy() method returns a deep copy of x. #!/usr/bin/python3 # Import module import copy a = {"a": 1, "b": 2} # Copy b = copy.deepcopy(a) print(b) {'a': 1, 'b': 2} Using ** Unpackaging Operator On python 3.5+ there is an easier way to achieve a shallow copy by using the ** unpackaging operator. Defined by Pep 448. #!/usr/bin/python3 a = {"a": 1, "b": 2} # Copy b = {**a} print(b) {'a': 1, 'b': 2}

How to Move a File in Python

In Python, there are 3 ways to move a file. Using os Module The os.rename() method renames the file or directory src to dst. If dst exists, the operation will fail with an OSError subclass in a number of cases: #!/usr/bin/python3 # Import module import os os.rename("file.txt", "file.1.txt") os.replace("file.1.txt", "file.txt") file.1.txt Using shutil.move Method Recursively move a file or directory (src) to another location (dst) and return the destination. #!/usr/bin/python3 # Import module import shutil shutil.move("file.txt", "file.1.txt") file.1.txt Using pathlib Module After Python 3.4, you can also use pathlib's class Path to move file. #!/usr/bin/python3 # Import module import pathlib pathlib.Path("file.txt").rename("file.1.txt") file.1.txt

How to Determine if an Object is Iterable in Python

In Python, there are 2 ways to determine if an object is iterable. Using Duck Typing Duck typing is a concept related to dynamic typing, where the type or the class of an object is less important than the methods it defines. When you use duck typing, you do not check types at all. Instead, you check for the presence of a given method or attribute. See the following example: #!/usr/bin/python3 a = "abcd" try: i = iter(a) print("Iterable") except TypeError: print("Not Iterable") a = 1 try: i = iter(a) print("Iterable") except TypeError: print("Not Iterable") Iterable Not Iterable Using Type Checking Use the Abstract Base Classes. They need at least Python 2.6 and work only for new-style classes. For example, #!/usr/bin/python3 # Import module from import Iterable a = 1 print(isinstance(a, Iterable)) a = "1" print(isinstance(a, Iterable)) False True