How to Generate a SHA256 HMAC Hash from a String in Go


In cryptography, an HMAC (hash-based message authentication code) is a specific type of message authentication code (MAC) involving a cryptographic hash function and a secret cryptographic key.

Using hmac Package

The hmac.New() function returns a new HMAC hash using the given hash.Hash type and key.

The following example should cover whatever you are trying to do:

package main

import (

func main() {
  s := "Hello"

  key := "FDJ1mnhuzjFjTdwhq7DtZG2Cq9kuuEZCG"
  h := hmac.New(sha256.New, []byte(key))

  fmt.Printf("%x\n", h.Sum(nil))

  fmt.Printf("%x\n", sha256.Sum256([]byte(s)))

Generating a MD5 HMAC Hash

For example,

package main

import (

func main() {
  s := "Hello"

  key := "FDJ1mnhuzjFjTdwhq7DtZG2Cq9kuuEZCG"
  h := hmac.New(md5.New, []byte(key))

  fmt.Printf("%x\n", h.Sum(nil))

block length:

Hash function H b, bytes L, bytes
MD5 64 16
SHA-1 64 20
SHA-224 64 28
SHA-256 64 32
SHA-512/224 128 28
SHA-512/256 128 32
SHA-384 128 48
SHA-512 128 64
SHA3-224 144 28
SHA3-256 136 32
SHA3-384 104 48
SHA3-512 72 64
out = H( in )
L = length( out )
b = H's internal block length

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