How to Convert a String into a &'static Str in Rust


Using slicing Syntax

To go from a String to a slice &'a str you can use slicing syntax. See the following example:

// Rust 1.0+

fn main() {
  let s: String = "abc".to_owned();

  // take a full slice of the string
  let slice: &str = &s[..];

  println!("{}", slice);

Using & Operator

You can use the fact that String implements Deref<Target=str> and perform an explicit reborrowing:

fn main() {
  let s: String = "abc".to_owned();

  // *s : str (via Deref<Target=str>)
  // &*s: &str
  let slice: &str = &*s;
  println!("{}", slice);

Using unsafe Code

As of Rust version 1.26, it is possible to convert a String to &'static str without using unsafe code:

// Rust 1.26+

fn string_to_str(s: String) -> &'static str {

fn main() {
  let s: String = "abc".to_owned();

  let slice: &str = string_to_str(s);
  println!("{}", slice);

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